Thursday, June 30, 2011

Malia's babtism~

Malia Was baptized with her cousin Riley in April.
These two have been trotting around together for many years...
It was a beautiful day.
For a beautiful girl (s).

Aunty Kelly sent them leis straight from Hawaii,
which meant a lot because Malia was born in Hawaii.
The fragrance of the orchids brought me back
to the days I would hold her tiny bird head in my hand.

And pray I would return her one day
with honor
to her creator.

She is a gift to our family.
The zing in our step and the zoom in our day...
Aunty kim has a knack for all things beautiful...
and lucky for me,
she planned the food:)
 Almost to lovely to eat...
But Henry didn't think so:)
My favorite part of the day was this note her cousin wrote her...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer between my toes~

After hours of whaling and knashing of teeth...
and mommy not giving in.
Savannah decides to mow her lawn.
With no shoes.

I wish I had a picture of her falling on the grass hands in the air...
alla fainting style,
when she finished.

You can do hard things girl.
love you and your green feet:)