Thursday, October 20, 2011


This Package arrived in the mail for me yesterday.
It was packed to the brim with Aloha from my Ohana
in the islands I love.

Dozens of letters, chocolates, cookies,
 pictures,  more chocolates, macademian nuts,
and my favorite quava juice,
overflow and overwhelm my heart.

It has just about everything but the sea itself.
Oh my sweet friends,
I feel the love
and my gratitude is bigger than the surf
on the north shore in January.

I wish I could pack myself up in that
box and return to you fed ex style.

Then we could sit by the sea,
and feel the sand between our toes,
and find precious seashells
that remind us while we are being
tossed against the rocks of uncertainty,
God is just smoothing us out
and shaping us in to some thing
more precious and more beautiful
than our jagged edges.

oh I send my Aloha.
Aloha on steroids.
Thats how much I love you!
Mahalo my dear friends!

1 comment:

  1. So happy you got it, i was getting worried. we knew you would love a little aloha in your day. if there's anything else that you would ever want to eat or crave tell me!
    everyone loves you and ask me how you are doing and is praying for you!
    i love that little hilary weeks book, you'll see where i've marked and i know you'll love it.
    miss you!!!
