Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers, motherhood and mothering

Happy Mothering day.
Mothering, (I say),because 
is a verb
not an adjective or title.

I have many mothers in my life.
My dear mother.
Sometimes, I miss her so much 
that my heart hurts.

She mothered everyone around her.  Not in the
annoying mother hen sort of way.
In the heart way.
She was very focused that way.
I think she would be a Mary.
Sometimes there is a fine line between Martha and Mary...
Mom always seemed to know that line.
I hope I do. There are moments that I feel her 
gently nudge me when I cross that line.
So Maybe having a mama angel isn't so bad after all.

I have friends that mother me.
I have sisters that mother me.
I have a mother in law that mothers me.
I have other mothers that mother me with their
stoic example of what it means to be a woman.
We rock.
Don't you think?

My daughter and her circle of friends made a 
cake for my birthday and suprised me with it.

They are going to be mothers one day.
One way or the other.
They are simply beautiful,and so are they're mothers.
I am thinking of that John Mayer song.
Yes, he is a nit wit, but oh what a voice.

~mothers be good to your daughters
and daughters will live like you do
cuz girls become lovers
that turn into mothers
one day they'll  have their own 
daughters too~
I love mother's...
my angels.

I love you all much much so much.
May this day bring you clean floors,
long hot baths, and guilt free eating.
oh...and bluebirds.
Many bluebirds.


  1. lovely post! that is so cute savannah made you a cake, what a girl! your mom will always guide you and be so proud of you as a mother!

  2. you have a beautiful way of writing and i really do enjoy reading your posts...hope you had a wonderful mothering day filled with family and love...
